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How do you want to feel this year?

We’ve started a new year.

And with it comes an invitation to do a review of how 2022 went for you and make some decisions around how you want 2023 to go.

This is how I like to set goals for myself - decide how I want to FEEL and then figure out what needs to happen in order for me to get there.

So this is my question for you. How do YOU want to feel in 2023?

Really take some time to ponder that!

In my work I see so many mother’s struggling.

-> I see women feeling exhausted, burnt out, overwhelmed, frazzled, swamped, weary and drained.

-> I see mothers struggling with health issues like mood swings, depression, anxiety, digestive issues, poor quality sleep, hormone imbalances, brain fog and exhaustion.

-> I see mothers who can’t seem to find 5 minutes for themselves, who don’t have the support they need and who feel guilt and shame for not being the “fun mom” that they want to be for their kids.

And it breaks my heart.

I say that with so much empathy and compassion because I’ve absolutely been there too. I’ve suffered with low energy, digestive issues, mood disorders, hormone imbalances and a lack of time for myself.

I know how that feels.

And on the flip side, I also know how amazing it feels to finally have that energy, calm, peace, balance and sense of calm back again.

This is why I do what I do! I support mothers to help them have more energy, health and calm so they can love life as a mom!

It’s taken me years (YEARS!) to figure this all out for myself.

-> I’ve spent thousands of dollars working with various professionals, investing in continuing education programs, courses and books.

-> I’ve learned about how to support my digestive system and functioning, especially specific to these years after having a baby.

-> I’ve learned about how to support my sleep cycles and improve my sleep efficiency while still needing to provide nighttime parenting to my two little ones.

-> I’ve learned how to support and calm my nervous system and improve my resilience to stress.

-> I’ve learned how to deeply nourish my depleted body after years of chronic stress and the huge demand of growing, birth and breastfeeding two babies/toddlers.

-> I’ve learned how to set boundaries and create systems to better manage the immense load of running a household in a way that works for my capacity and happiness.

This is what I teach in my Balanced Mom Method Program. And I’d love for you to join our community so you can start making some shifts towards more health, energy, balance and calm for 2023.

All the best for the new year!

With love, warmth and gratitude,


Your dietitian doula

P.S. - This can be a different year for you. Start off on the right path with some support, guidance and community.


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